Kecks in Paradise

Kecks in Paradise

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Almostcity Hotpants

Oh world. So much has happened, I don't even know how to update you. This last semester has been one of great hardships and great triumphs. I discovered buttermilk syrup and I had to bid farewell to my trusty industrial sized printer. I wrote more pages than I ever have had to (I think). I may have written the best paper of my college career. I learned the definition to troglodyte and used it correctly in a sentence. I worked with the best young women in the entire world for a brief and precious period of time. I graduated from BYU. I drove across the United States with the love of my life. I gained a deeper sense of appreciation for and hope from my ancestors. I developed the nickname Almostcity Hotpants. And now Jason and I are in Maryland for the summer cornholing and teasing out my humidified hair. There will be updates posted. There will be memories made.